Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Science and Social Studies Books Online

I know many of you have had some issues getting on the websites for the science and social studies books.  I hope that having the direct link will help!

Science and Social Studies eBooks

 Follow the links below to access the sites. Keep stretching your brain and be a learner for life!

Science eBooks

Social Studies eBooks

Username:  scienceguestSS
Password:  grade3

Social Studies:
username: ssguest3
password: grade3

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Carnival is Coming!

 The annual Chets Creek Carnival will be Friday,  October 23rd. It will be from 6-9 starting with trick-or-treating in the hallways at 6. Teachers will be passing out candy and we love seeing familiar faces. Each classroom also runs a booth for games or food. Our class will be working the "Ring Toss'. We need parents to help operate the booth throughout the night. Shifts can be in 30 minute increments.  If you would be willing to work a 30 minute or an hours shift, please write a note in your child's planner so we can sign you up.

 We look forward to seeing you at the carnival!