Monday, March 14, 2016

Spirit Week is Here!

This week is Spirit Week in anticipation for our FSA tests. Each day the school will show their spirit and support for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who will be testing upon returning from spring break. This is a great chance to build up their spirits and diminish any testing anxiety. Remember,  it is just a few days out of the year! Remind your child to do their best and that they have all the tools they need to be  successful.

Here are the spirit days this week:
Monday-Circus Day
Tuesday-Crazy sock and hat day
Wednesday-Wear any former or current Chets Creek t-shirt
Thursday-Wear green

There will be a spring break challenge  that will come home Thursday that I'd highly recommend your child completes. It involves reading each day and then completing a paired passage reading assessment. Enjoy spring break and come back refreshed and ready to go!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Placing fractions on a number line

Students learned how to compare fractions and place the fractions on a number line from least to greatest. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Terrific Theories

In class we have been working on building theories about our characters. Students have learned to really dig deeper below the surface to build ideas. We have spent lessons identifying characters traits and then asking...Why are they like this? What do I see by their actions and words? What patterns have I noticed about my character?

These questions have helped students build great theories. They have been pushing themselves to really ask WHY and think hard about the choices their characters make. This is a very hard concept for students as it involves them to think actively synthesize information they are reading. We also have discussed the importance of using text support and constantly think back to prior events as support for their theories.

This week we will push their minds a little farther and build predictions based on theories as well as predict how the story will unfold based on what we know about story structure.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Powerful Persuasion

       We have begun writing persuasive essays in class. Students have learned about the basic format of a persuasive essay. We spent  a few days brainstorming meaningful topics at home, school, and in the world. Students then used a graphic organizer to write their thesis/claim and develop at least 3 STRONG reasons. ("Because I said" so was not an option.)

Next, they were to think of supportive detail for each reason. These could be life examples, details, or experiences they have had or witnessed others going through.  We are also talking about addressing the counterargument that our audience would most likely reply with. Students  had to embed transions for each new paragraph as well as throughout their reason paragraphs. Not only this, but they wrote engaging introductions and will be working on their conclusion in the next few days.

Below is an online tutorial that allows students to practice writing a persuasive essay.

Write My Own Persuasive Essay

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New Structures

In Writer's Workshop we have begun informational writing. This week students have been busy taking notes and listing all they know about their topic. One topic we discussed in class this week was text structure. Students learned there are many ways to organize information. We discussed several types of structures and the signal words to look for that let us know which structure it is.


Next, students tried an example of each structure and added it into their report. Knowing how to identify text structure is also a standard for reading. Below are a few practice quizzes for identifying text structure. Enjoy and keep practicing!

What is the Structure?
Practice 2
Hoop Shooting Game
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
*When you play any of these games, write the word BANANA in your planner so Ms. Evanko knows you have been practicing your skills to earn a special treat!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Science and Social Studies Books Online

I know many of you have had some issues getting on the websites for the science and social studies books.  I hope that having the direct link will help!

Science and Social Studies eBooks

 Follow the links below to access the sites. Keep stretching your brain and be a learner for life!

Science eBooks

Social Studies eBooks

Username:  scienceguestSS
Password:  grade3

Social Studies:
username: ssguest3
password: grade3

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Carnival is Coming!

 The annual Chets Creek Carnival will be Friday,  October 23rd. It will be from 6-9 starting with trick-or-treating in the hallways at 6. Teachers will be passing out candy and we love seeing familiar faces. Each classroom also runs a booth for games or food. Our class will be working the "Ring Toss'. We need parents to help operate the booth throughout the night. Shifts can be in 30 minute increments.  If you would be willing to work a 30 minute or an hours shift, please write a note in your child's planner so we can sign you up.

 We look forward to seeing you at the carnival!